On the recent return of ‘acceleration’ ideas in relation to transition/rapture ‘strategies’ from above

I recently did a post on the networked-labour list [http://lists.contrast.org/mailman/listinfo/networkedlabour], and re posted here [https://snuproject.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/coding-the-algorithyms-of-emancipatory-modes-of-production/], of the Algorithms of Capital, an edited volume, by Matteo Pasquinelli. In my post, joining McKenzie Wark’s friendly critique of the ‘accelerationist’ revolutionary politics, I provided an alternative proposal for a slow, zen, calm, mindful bottom up hacking of the ‘accelerationism’ of the capital. Here on P2P foundation’s blog it was the book of the day (yesterday): http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/book-of-the-day-algorithms-of-capital/2014/11/15

The main idea is, in order to grasp the material, historical and energetic basis of the ‘acceleration’ ideology as it formulated by the organic futurologist of informational capitalist classes; and coded by the bio-organic developers of informationalists, what we need is a really massive and working collective intelligence, capable of unchaining the general intellect globally -before ourselves are being accelerated and broken by the enemy. Such draft ideology concept founds it’s best expression in the preaches of techno-futurist evangelists of the Singularity, like archibishop Michoi Kaku’s Perfect Capitalism thesis (
http://www.afr.com/p/technology/embrace_perfect_capitalism_or_face_fjfR8NJOPYIZy3ZQ33iP1O which makes him one of the best candidate as the successor of Peter Drucker 2.0). Ray Kurzweil”s Singularity is Near (http://hfg-resources.googlecode.com/files/SingularityIsNear.pdf) an the other hand can be seen as the ‘Das Acceleratzion’, from the Capital’s point of view, preparing the elite and sub-elite to enter the worm hole opening to the era beyond the informational-capitalism. The most often used term in Kurzweil’s book is ‘Acceleration’. As Kaku, he is too a protagonist who is
striving to translate the new hegemonic ideological discourse, as basis for the algorithms of the world as the emergent class might like to realize. The Google’s Singularity University, located in Silicon Valley, which is landing to Europe too very soon, is one of the key institutions where this ideology of the emergent informationalist capitalist class fraction is
coded: http://singularityu.org, amd where the new generation bio-organic intellectuals are programmed as well.

The discussion around the topic is heating up. Here is an interesting and relevant debate to take place in London: Cybernetic Socialism – http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/dr-paul-cockshott-on-cybersocialism-nov-18th-dublin/2014/11/14. In his recent post on the networked labour list, in reply to George Por, Michel Bauwens gives reference to some material where ideas and practises on cybernetic-planning-communal cooperative economy-socialism-anarchy can be rethought and integrated to transformatory and cooperative hacking of the world as we know it (http://p2pfoundation.net/Mutual_Coordination_Economics_Working_Group).

Also a very interesting debate has been taking place here: http://www.publicseminar.org. Where  McKenzie Wark has been making important contributions. Wark will be talking at Digital Labor conference this weekend and there might be a live streaming of his session:
http://digitallabor.org/schedule/digital-labor-and-the-anthropocene. At the same conference I did, with a friend, delivered a presentation of our collaborative project though which we try to build an organised network of empowered and empowering projects that share the ambition of writing the floss algorithms of global emancipation:

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